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GB numbers Status overview from 12/20/21

UK.GOV has published a series of updates to 2022 UK goods classification at 10-digit level (where these have been confirmed) alongside the correlation of commodity codes to the 8-digit level from the 2021 tariff to that of 2022.

According to our analysis, the correlation table provided by GOV.UK includes numbers added and terminated by WCO HS 2022, which are not included in the current UK.GOV update data, but expected to be forthcoming in future updates by GOV.UK.

There are 307 numbers between 4 and 6-digit level still expected to be added by UK.GOV and 103 numbers expected to be terminated (with their associated numbers at 8 and 10-digit level). When taking into account the 4 to 6-digit numbers that are expected to be terminated according to the WCO HS 2022 update, there are 499 associated numbers at 8 and 10-digit levels that will also be terminated (see relevant lists below).

Thus, the data provided by PST is provisional and likely to be updated as further changes are made by UK.GOV in due course. As the updates become available, HSC GB will be updated accordingly.

A REC file has been included for assisted reclassification which has been created based on the correlation table provided by UK.GOV for the changes which have been implemented so far.



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