Germany announces deadline for electronic war weapons reporting

On 23rd September 2020, Germany’s ‘Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle’ (BAFA) announced that reports on war weapons books must be, for the first time, electronically submitted to BAFA between 30th September and 14th October 2020. The War Weapons Control Act (‘Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz’ or KrWaffKontrG) requires everyone who deals with war weapons to report the stock and changes in stock to BAFA every six months. On 20th March 2020 an amendment to the 2nd Implementing Ordinance to the War Weapons Control Act came into force, requiring reports that were previously made in paper form to be replaced by an electronic reporting process. The electronic war weapons book must be reported via the BAFA communication portal ELAN-K2, within 2 weeks after 30th September 2020, in a format that conforms to the BAFA interface documentation.