PST.AG attended BAFA’s Export Control Information Day in Frankfurt am Main

On 11 December 2019 Germany’s ‘Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle’ (BAFA) hosted the ‘11. Informationstag Exportkontrolle’ (11th Export Control Information Day) in Frankfurt am Main.
Topics discussed at the event included the status of the current reform of the EU Dual-Use Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009), current legal developments with regard to the export of military goods as well as planned changes to the BAFA process for issuing export licenses.
PST.AG attended the event. It was a good opportunity to stay informed about current legal developments and to keep in touch with our customers and other stakeholders form the field.
Regarding the amendments to the EU Dual-Use Regulation, we expect them to be published on 30 December 2019 and to come into force on the following day (31 December 2019). PST.AG is prepared and will deliver data as soon as the new consolidated version of the EU Dual-Use Regulation is publicly available.