German customs gives advanced notification in case of ‘no deal’ Brexit

On 23 October 2019 German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") published an informational PDF (in German) entitled “ATLAS/AES: impact of an unregulated Brexit” (ATLAS/AES gesamt: Auswirkungen bei einem ungeregelten Brexit, ATLAS-Info 3484/19). This document highlights key events and deadlines in the case that the United Kingdom leaves the European Union without a deal on 31 October 2019.
From 1 November 2019 at 00:00 until 09:00 (CET), online systems for German customs will be down due to maintenance work required due to Brexit. These systems include:
IT-Verfahren ATLAS Einfuhr
ATLAS Ausfuhr (AES)
EZT-online Auskunft
Internet Eingangs-/Ausgangs-SumA (IIA)
Internet-Zollanmeldung-Einfuhr (IZA)
Internet-Versandanmeldung (IVA)
Internet-Ausfuhranmeldung-Plus (IAA-Plus)
Internetantrag-AEO (IAEO)
Internet-Statusauskunft (ISA)
Internetantrag Aufschub-BIN (IA-ABIN)
If you use any of these systems or internet applications, please plan accordingly. In the case of a Brexit postponement or a Brexit deal, this maintenance downtime can be omitted.
Additionally, if a ‘no deal’ Brexit occurs, all EORI numbers issued by the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland will terminate on 1 November 2019 at 00:00 (CET). UK operators can apply for an EORI number in advance in an EU Member State of their choice. In Germany, applications for EORI numbers will only be processed until 28 October 2019, and then again on 5 November 2019, due to availability of the central system in Brussels. Customs declarations that include pre-Brexit EORI numbers will no longer be accepted after Brexit.
For further information and details, please read ATLAS-Info 3484/19.
Regardless of when the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, PST.AG is prepared and will provide relevant data in a timely manner.