Website extracts to be submitted in license applications starting from February

BAFA (‘Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle’), the German export control authority, has informed the public that applicants for export or shipment licenses will have to submit extracts of their buyer’s/ receiver’s’ or the commodities end-user’s websites, respectively, when submitting license applications on or after February 1, 2019. As BAFA notes in its January 10 newsletter 'Exportkontrolle Aktuell', this requirement is conditional on certain circumstances such as, for instance, the websites’ language or the permanence of the export (Extracts do not have to be submitted if the website is available in either German, English or French or if the goods are exported temporarily with the aim of presenting them at international trade fairs). BAFA will publish an FAQ section related to the new requirement on its website. More information on the submitting of website extracts can be found in BAFA’s information leaflet 'Optimierte Antragstellung', which has been updated. In addition, BAFA has also updated the following information leaflets: 'Exportkontrolle und das BAFA' (5th revision of November 2018 now available),
'Firmeneigene Exportkontrolle' (also available in English as 'Internal Compliance Programmes – ICP'),