OFAC issued Belarus General License

General License No. 2C has been completely replaced byGeneral License No. 2D.
The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) authorized the Belarus general license transactions involving blocked entities pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13405.
But this general license does not authorize the release of the property blocked pursuant to E.O. 13405.
Affected companies by the license are:
•Belarusian Oil Trade House
•Belneftekhim USA,Inc.
•Belshina OAO
•Grodno Azot OAO
•Grodno Khimvolokno OAO
•Lakokraska OAO
•Naftan OAO
•Polotsk Steklovolokno OAO
To read the whole document, click here.
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