Economic Sanctions Enforcement Information

In 2017, the U.S. department of Treasury's OFAC has imposed huge penalties against 6 companies for both domestic and foreign and also, one individual for the total amount of : $ 102,017,526
These firms are under penalties because they have violated the laws of U.S. especially in regard to the export laws for licenses or incorrectly classified goods.For e.g., Commerce Control List (CCL) OFAC has sanctioned not only the firms who are neglecting the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR) laws but also the firms who are helping the sanctioned Countries.
For companies like Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment (ZTE), it is not only about penalties now, but also about the increased costs for the number of years of "probation periods".
In some cases, the government can impose punishment if the exporter from third company does not strictly follow US laws. For example, the company will still be sanctioned if the goods are transported from the third companies to the forbidden countries.
Follow the link below to see the detailed allegations and agreements for such companies or corporations: