More information on AEO-F Status

Very important to our current customers:
The Federal Court of Finance i.e., Bundesfinanzhof (BFH), published in 2012, the news regarding the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certificate.
The AEO - F which is the combination of both AEO-C (for Customs Specifications) and AEO - S (for Security) has been updated for more secure and safety purposes regarding to support the trade and customs processes in business with the terrorist list.
As decided by BFH, a company is granted AEO certificate, only after the company passes the security and background checks.
Also, the agents working in a company needs to get through the security-related areas. A brief guide, as for the companies have to check internally with the following points:
Finance / Accounting: Any transaction with the bank is prohibited
Distribution: In the case of e-commerce and payment, for example with the credit card, it is also necessary to prevent people or organizations from the anti-terrorism list from making purchases. Purchase: The Purchasing Department must prevent goods purchased from persons or organizations from the anti-terrorism list. Service: Risk of collision can occur if the services is provided to the customers who is listed in the anti-terrorism list. Staff: Personnel departments must check whether (name-based) persons who works in the company. This also applies to lending personnel, interns, exchange students and research staff.