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OFAC Sanctions against Pakistan-based 'terrorist leaders, facilitators'

The US department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control has sanctioned 3 individuals and 1 entity to disrupt the engagement of Pakistan-based terrorists leaders and facilitators.

The terrorists groups are Jama'at ul Dawa al-Qu'ran (JDQ) and financial support networks of JDQ, the Taliban, al-Qa'ida, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT), the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The names of the sanctioned individuals and entities are:

Name of individuals:

  1. Hayat Ullah Ghulam Muhammad

  2. Ali Muhammad Abu Turab

  3. Inayat ur Rahman

Name of the entity:

  1. Welfare and Development Organization of Jamaat-Ud-Dawah

For more information, see the Official Link

and to identify the individuals and entities, see the Link.

PST.AG has included these individuals and the entitity in the data, and the update will be available from today.

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