UK publishes 3 updated OGELs that now include a software control list entry
Today, 18 February 2019, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Trade: Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) has published three...

European Parliament approves EU and Singapore trade and investment agreements
On 13 February 2019 the European Parliament approved trade (EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, “EUSFTA”) and investment (EU-Singapore...

UK and Switzerland sign trade agreement
On 11 February 2019 the United Kingdom’s International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, and the Swiss Federal Councillor, Guy Parmelin, signed...

Brexit update from HMRC
The United Kingdom’s HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has published their latest letter advising UK businesses that only trade with the EU on...

UK publishes new OGEL for EU bound dual-use items in case of no Brexit deal
Today (1 February 2019) the United Kingdom’s Department for International Trade: Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) has published a new...

Trade agreement between the EU and Japan enters into force
On 1 February 2019 the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA, also known as JEFTA (Japan-EU Free Trade Agreement)) between the EU and Japan...

German Customs issues new edition of information leaflet on customs declarations
Germany’s Central Customs Authority (‘Generalzolldirektion’) has issued a new edition of its information leaflet on customs declarations,...

Website extracts to be submitted in license applications starting from February
BAFA (‘Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle’), the German export control authority, has informed the public that applicants for...

UK encourages businesses to prepare for Brexit
The UK’s HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has further encouraged UK businesses to prepare for the UK’s departure from the European Union (EU)...

UK updates OGEL to include Qatar as a destination for military goods
The United Kingdom’s Department for International Trade: Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) has updated its Open General Export Licence...