European Commission imposes additional customs duties on EU imports originating in the US
Effective 8th May 2020, the European Commission has implemented regulation 2020/502 of 6 April 2020 on “certain commercial policy...

European Commission publishes coronavirus-related guidance regarding humanitarian aid
On 12th May 2020, the European Commission announced that it has published guidance on how coronavirus-related humanitarian aid can be...

EU modifies export restrictions on personal protective equipment
Due to the ongoing epidemiological crisis caused by the COVID-19 disease, the European Union has modified export restrictions on personal...

Germany lifts national restrictions on exporting medical protective equipment and implements EU regu
On 19th March 2020, Germany’s ‘Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle’ (BAFA) announced that the national licensing requirement...

European Commission publishes notice on the use of pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of orig
On 2nd March 2020, the European Commission published the “Commission notice concerning the application of the Regional Convention on...

EU approves UK withdrawal agreement, transition phase begins on 1 February 2020
On 30th January 2020, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted the agreement for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great...

UK’s preferential trade status is unclear post-Brexit
On 20th January 2020, the German Customs administration (“Generalzolldirektion”) published a statement regarding the preferential trade...

European Commission updates dual-use export control list
On 17 October 2019 the European Commission adopted the annual Delegated Regulation that updates the EU dual-use export control list in...

European Commission publishes notice on the application of pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules
On 4 October 2019 the European Commission published the “Commission notice concerning the application of the Regional Convention on...

European Commission publishes guidelines on dual-use trade controls
The European Commission has published Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/1318 in the Official Journal. This document (adopted on 30 July...