European Commission implements export regulations on COVID-19 vaccines
On 29th January 2021, the European Commission implemented regulation (EU) 2021/111 to make “exportation of certain products subject to...

German customs adds new codes for ATLAS
On 10th November 2020, German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") added new codes for ATLAS ("Automatisiertes Tarif- und Lokales...

EU removes export restrictions on medical protective equipment for several countries, ATLAS publishe
The European Union has removed export restrictions on medical protective equipment for several countries, in particular European Free...

German customs implements ATLAS-Zelos for submitting customs documents electronically
On 6 November 2019 German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") published an informational PDF (in German) entitled “ATLAS: ZELOS...

German customs gives advanced notification in case of ‘no deal’ Brexit
On 23 October 2019 German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") published an informational PDF (in German) entitled “ATLAS/AES: impact...

German customs opens new online portal and updates handbook on export licenses, authorization codes
Since 1 October 2019 the Citizen and Business Customer Portal (Bürger- und Geschäftskundenportal) from German Customs...

German customs updates ATLAS procedural manual
German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") has released an updated (as of September 2019) procedural manual for ATLAS (Automatisiertes...

German customs announces new handbook on export licenses, authorization codes and electronic depreci
On 17 July 2019 German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") announced that it has re-published its "Handbook for export licenses,...

German customs adds two licensing codes and amends others
On 25 February 2019 German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") added two new licensing codes for ATLAS ("Automatisiertes Tarif- und...

New coding in ATLAS for the import of biocidal products
ATLAS (Automated Tariff and Local Customs Clearance System), the IT procedure for Germany's General Directorate of Customs, has new...