German customs extends ATLAS code to include COVID-19 vaccines
On 4th December 2020, German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") extended the range of goods that are coded under 9DFA to include...

China rules: domestic wine industry suffered due to subsidies on wine imports from Australia
On 10th December 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce published a preliminary ruling regarding the countervailing investigation on...

China publishes provisions on the Unreliable Entity List
On 19th September 2020, the People's Republic of China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published (Chinese, English for reference)...

European Commission extends relief for VAT and customs duties on medical equipment imports
On 23rd July 2020, the European Commission extended the temporary relief of VAT and customs duties on imported medical equipment from...

European Commission adopts Brexit “readiness” Communication
On 9th July 2020, the European Commission (EC) adopted a Communication entitled “Getting ready for changes - Communication on readiness...

European Commission imposes additional customs duties on EU imports originating in the US
Effective 8th May 2020, the European Commission has implemented regulation 2020/502 of 6 April 2020 on “certain commercial policy...

BAFA publishes new overview of country-specific embargoes
As of 28 April 2020, Germany’s “Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle” (BAFA) has published a new overview of country-specific...

U.S. issues new executive order regarding bulk-power
On 1st May 2020, U.S. President Trump signed an Executive Order entitled “Securing the United States Bulk-Power System” (E.O. 13920)....

UK launches Global Tariff Policy and announces future import/export plans
On 6th February 2020, the UK’s Department for International Trade announced that is developing a new UK Most Favoured Nation (MFN) tariff...

German customs gives advanced notification in case of ‘no deal’ Brexit
On 23 October 2019 German customs (Generalzolldirektion, "Zoll") published an informational PDF (in German) entitled “ATLAS/AES: impact...