EU approves UK withdrawal agreement, transition phase begins on 1 February 2020
On 30th January 2020, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted the agreement for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great...

OFAC settles with Eagle Shipping International (USA) LLC
On 27th January 2020, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced a settlement agreement with...

UK designates Hizballah
Effective 16th January 2020, the UK’s HM Treasury, through the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), designated Hizballah...

UK’s preferential trade status is unclear post-Brexit
On 20th January 2020, the German Customs administration (“Generalzolldirektion”) published a statement regarding the preferential trade...

OFAC issues new Iran-related Frequently Asked Question
On 16th January 2020, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued a new Iran-related Frequently...

U.S. and China sign new trade agreement
On 15th January 2020, the Government of the United States and the Government of the People’s Republic of China entered into an Economic...

U.S. imposes further sanctions on Iran
On 10th January 2020, the U.S. President issued a new Executive Order (E.O) entitle “Imposing Sanctions With Respect to Additional...

UK publishes updated Strategic Export Control Lists
On 8th January 2020, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Trade: Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) published an updated UK...

Exxon Mobil wins motion against OFAC
On 31st December 2019, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas vacated the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC’s)...

EU and Switzerland amend dual-use regulations
The European Union’s Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2199 of 17 October 2019, which amends Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009,...