Data Provided by

PST.AG provides consolidated data of companies listed under regulations from numerous authorities worldwide. The worldwide data include compliance/sanctions, customs duties, controlled goods, export list and financial exchange rates. The data are consolidated in widely used structures, and compatible with commonly used SAP protocols. PST.AG also supports and advises SAP users in planning and implementation of business expansion.
Below are the mentioned data types that we provide to our customers with SAP or Oracle interface as per customers preference. For more details of data products, visit the respective pages from below. For additional inquiries regarding the data and their prices, please contact us.
Ausfuhrliste Teil I Abschnitt (A1A)
Control Classification Numbers (CCN)
Code Conversion (CCV)
Customs offices (COF)
Duty, Tariff Rates (DTR)
Embargo (EMB)
Exchange Rates (EXR)
Harmonized System Codes, tariff codes (HSC)
Munition Lists (MUN)
Preferential Rules of Origin (PRO)
Reclassification Lists (REC)
Recoding (RCO)
Sanctioned Party Lists (SPL)
Tariff Measures (TME)
War Weapon Control (WWC)